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Genre Highlight: Mysteries and Thrillers

Genre Highlight: Mysteries and Thrillers

Sometimes it’s fun to add a little challenge into your reading world.  There is the year-long reading challenge here if you want to jump in and add variety to your reading across all genres. This month in the book blogging and book-tube community there is a reading challenge taking place, it puts the focus on mysteries. The mystery genre as whole is quite varied.  There are cozy mysteries, who-done-its, suspense and action driven mysteries that border on being thriller. There…

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Week of 2/25/18-3/3/18 Weekly Book Round-Up

Week of 2/25/18-3/3/18 Weekly Book Round-Up

Week of 2/25/18-3/3/18 Weekly Book Round-Up New Release: This week A Long Way from Home by Peter Carey was released in the United States. Book Blurb courtesy of author’s website: Irene Bobs loves fast driving. Her husband is the best car salesman in rural south eastern Australia. Together they enter the Redex Trial, a brutal race around the ancient continent, over roads no car will ever quite survive. With them is their lanky fair-haired navigator, Willie Bachhuber, a quiz show…

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BookTube is Cutting into my Reading Time

BookTube is Cutting into my Reading Time

I discovered booktube late in 2017.  If you haven’t heard of booktube or want to know more, check out my guide on finding the best creators and content  Discovering Booktube  Since discovering this platform my to-be-read list has doubled and my reading time has evaporated! When I first started watching these videos – I would watch whatever popped up based on the YouTube algorithms.  Now, I have found several channels that are my go-to for certain genres.  When diving into booktube,…

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Upcoming New Releases

Upcoming New Releases

Let the  countdown begin!  Here is a week-by-week suggestion to enhance your reading life in March. Title:  Rainbirds By:  Clarissa Goenawan Release Date:  March 6, 2018 Book Blurb Courtesy of author’s website Intertwining elements of suspense and magical realism, award-winning literary debut RAINBIRDS opens with a murder and shines a spotlight on life in fictional small-town Japan. Ren Ishida is nearly done with graduate school when he receives news of his sister, Keiko’s, sudden death. She was viciously stabbed one…

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Romantic New Releases

Romantic New Releases

In case you want to avoid the specialty menus and wine mark-up at local restaurants, consider having a cozy evening home with a lovely romantic novel  if you are coupled off, your sweetheart can read alongside you too.. Make dinner together and share a bottle of wine, a dessert and reading time. My husband and I started a Tuesday night reading habit this year and it doesn’t always go as planned but sometimes it’s nice to curl up on the…

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Week of 2/4/18-2/10/18 Weekly Book Round-Up

Week of 2/4/18-2/10/18 Weekly Book Round-Up

Week of 2/4/18-2/10/18 Weekly Book Round-Up This is a weekly installment of bookish happenings across the collective book community.  What I’m reading:   This week I read  Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. I’ll have a full review out this month. I bought this awhile ago and it was collecting e-dust on my audible shelf. I started it this summer, put it down and came back to it only after my husband had read this book for his office book club. …

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been On My Shelf the Longest and Need to Be Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been On My Shelf the Longest and Need to Be Read

The Top Ten Tuesday topic of the day came from The Artsy Reader Girl.   I recently went through my goodreads account and purged books that have been on my to-be-read list for ages that realistically I no longer have interest in reading.  Here are few that remain on my list and hopefully I’ll be able to push them toward the done pile this year! This is a collection of what has been sitting on my shelf for years, most…

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Best Dressed Books

Best Dressed Books

It’s award season and all the beautiful dresses on the red carpet are being discussed around the water-cooler and across the internet.  Here is a selection of beautiful dresses as they appear on book covers.  . Click the photos below to read more about the books behind the covers.  What dress would you want to wear? What book do you want to read?