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Finding Time to Read

Finding Time to Read

Every bookworm faces challenges.  These include finding the perfect book, staying within a book budget and most importantly; carving out time to read all the books you collect on your to-be-read shelves. This week the focus is finding the time to read.   Conquer Your Free Time: Read Books instead of Social Media I recently upgraded phones, and it had been awhile. I was pleased to discover that in 5 years since my last phone; technology has made some improvements. A…

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Winter Reading Suggestions

Winter Reading Suggestions

It’s so cold outside; & all I want to do is curl up under a mountain of blankets and read. Do like to read books about warm places when it’s cold outside? Or alternatively, do you like it when your reading world resonates with the forecast and the view from your window? I’m hoping the rest of winter isn’t as brutal as it is today – but in case it is, here are 5 recommendations to get you through the…

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Books about Hygge and the Cozy Quotient

Books about Hygge and the Cozy Quotient

Here in Chicago we are in the midst of a cold-snap and I am reminded how hygge it is to be inside with fluffy socks on my feet and cuddled up with my little cat Gus nearby. If you haven’t heard of Hygge, or you are still on a Marie Kondo blur from purging last weekend, that’s okay. Hygge allows you to carve time out of your day to enjoy life, be mindful and love your down time and home….

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The Paperfruit Challenge: January Suggestions

The Paperfruit Challenge: January Suggestions

As promised here are monthly suggestions for The Paperfruit Reading Challenge Have you read any of these, what books are you reading in January? Fantastical:  Another World, Magic or Invented Reality Dark Matter by Blake Crouch From Goodreads: “Are you happy with your life?”  Those are the last words Jason Dessen hears before the masked abductor knocks him unconscious. Before he awakens to find himself strapped to a gurney, surrounded by strangers in hazmat suits. Before a man Jason’s never met…

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The 2019 Paperfruit Reading Challenge

The 2019 Paperfruit Reading Challenge

Last year I created my first reading challenge in order to expand my reading world. However, somewhere along the way I lost focus on the challenge itself. Surprisingly, after February I stopped trying to read books because it was something I could check off of the list. Once I removed the constraint of the challenge list, I was just reading an interesting variety of books on my own accord. How did I find the books I read? I had them…

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2019 Reading Goals

2019 Reading Goals

Happy New Year! 2018 was good to me, but my reading life was a little lackluster with everything else that happened. The calendar page has flipped; wait a minute, I need to get out the new calendar. That’s better! I’ll revisit my 2018 Challenge and see how I did later on this month but for now I just want to put into place an outline for my reading life in 2019. 52 Books. A book a week is a good…

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Summer Reading

Summer Reading

I’m so excited to share with you three books that are on my to-be-read list for summer.   The key to a fantastic summer read is that it needs a strong plot so I can put it down – but I’m motivated to pick it up again.  Summer is a great time revisit the books that have been out a few years.  Backlist books are perfect for picking up while wandering around a used bookstore or library sale and taking with…

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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

Below is a selection of titles that embrace the movements in environmentalism, appreciation of nature and conservation as we celebrate the 48th official Earth Day.  (Blurbs courtesy of     Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was first published in three serialized excerpts in the New Yorker in June of 1962. The book appeared in September of that year and the outcry that followed its publication forced the banning of DDT and spurred revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air,…

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Top Ten Tuesday: Interesting Titles

Top Ten Tuesday: Interesting Titles

So much goes into the publicity of a book.  The cover art, the early reviews but sometimes, the title alone can hook you in and make you want to read the book. Here are ten titles that grabbed my attention and I have either read them or acquired them to read, because I want to know more.  I know I’m not the only one that has been influenced by the title – there is a goodreads list dedicated to books…

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Paperback Matchmaker

Paperback Matchmaker

Goals for this recurring blog feature will be to compare a newer releases to similar backlist books that you’ll be able to find in paperback editions. Red Clocks by Leni Zumas this was released in January. If this one is on your waiting list and you’ve already read The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, another book to check out would be  Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel  The three of these deal the threads of humanity that remain in a dystopian…

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