Memorable Memoirs: – 2018 Reading Challenge Suggestion

Memorable Memoirs: – 2018 Reading Challenge Suggestion

In my quest to pick the suggestion for the memoir category for the 2018 reading challenge I wanted to pick memoirs that are approachable for someone who doesn’t usually read memoirs. I decided to focus on ones that were written by women and beyond the story of their life offered some nugget of wisdom.   Here is the little list I made to tick off to give you my favorite recently read memoirs.

  • Conversational tone
  • Witty/Smart/Funny
  • Shows struggle to success or with success
  • At least 1 bad break up story
  • Went beyond Wikipedia
  • Authentic stories woven together to provide a satisfying narrative about the person
  • Self-Deprecating in nice way
  • Offers a positive take-away or nugget of wisdom

Are you excited?  I have a few.   If only book suggestions counted a stocking stuffers!


You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day 

Take Away Nugget:  Be brave in your world, find your tribe of misfits and wackadoos, share your true self with those people and then maybe, just maybe, the world at large.

You may know her from: Vaginal Fantasy Book Club,  Table Top, The Guild, Geek and Sundry among other vast geeky corners of the internet.



A double dose of Nora Ephron.  I read these back to back and they blurred a little together in my brain.

 I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections &  I Feel Bad about My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron 

Take Away Nugget:   You get to carve your life out from your experiences and make it your own. Each job, friendship, failure along the way will shape you and continue to shape you.

You may know her from: Screenwriting the following films:  When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Hanging Up, Julia and Julia among others, she also worked as a Director and Producer on several films.


Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West

Take Away Nugget:  Being female doesn’t mean you are less than, being plus size or outside of the imagined ideal doesn’t mean you don’t deserve happiness and a voice, being quiet because you feel marginalized in whatever way that is, does nothing for your cause.

You may know her from:  Lindy is an opinion writer for the New York Times and often covers topics of feminism and fat acceptance movement.


Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson

Take Away Nugget:  Sometimes even the hard parts of life can be funny down the road.  Jenny Lawson brings you into the fold her of life as she continues her battle with mental illness and anxiety.

You may know her from:   You may know her blog, or her other book Let’s pretend this never happened, or vaired journalism credits.  You’ve probably seen this adorable book cover floating around amazon or goodeads or target. You may not be familiar with her but voice in humor had me doubled over in stitches.



Honorable mentions:  Other worthy memoirs that are more popular  and/or didn’t fit all the bullet points.

I may have gone a little overboard.  Enjoy and Happy Reading!


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