Part Four: 2018 Challenge Choices
This selection wraps up my 2018 selections for the reading challenge! This was a great way to organize and think about my approach to the challenge. I hope you’ll participate in the challenge and find some new and wonderful books to read this year.
High School Book Report
Read a book you read in high school or that is currently assigned in high school
Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston
Banned but not Forgotten
Read a book that has controversy around it
The Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Hidden in Plain Sight
Read a book that’s been on your shelf – but you haven’t gotten around to reading it
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
Happy Birthday to You
Watch for new releases around your birthday and devour one of them like birthday cake.
A Minority Perspective Read something from a minority author
Haven’t seen too much buzz on this one but was compelled to pick it up after I read a few reviews
Piecing me Together by Renee Watson
Blow the Dust Off
Read a book published over 100 years ago
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton