The Name of the Wind – 2018 Reading Challenge Suggestion
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss had a birthday this year. The ten-year anniversary edition came out in October, below is a picture of the latest cover art. This would be a good pick for the 2018 reading challenge as it would fit into the multiple categories: The Big Bad (depending on version, other versions hover just shy of 700 pages.) Noteworthy and Acclaimed, Time Warp, First things First, The Re-Read, Hidden in Plain Sight, Read and Review and Pay It Forward.
I’ll be re-reading this in 2018 (and reading the second book, The Wise Man’s Fear for the first time.) I read this book in 2012 so the fine details are not exactly fresh but the emotions I had and the overall story has stayed with me. I normally read the first two books in a series back to back to get a full grasp of the world, and continue being submerged in the plot and lives of the characters, but because the 3rd was not yet completed I put it off. Recently, I decided that I’ve waited long enough and I’m using this platform to build anticipation for reading these two books in 2018. (Anticipation is my tool for conquering my to-be-read (TBR) pile!)
This book is hard to describe. It might be better to go into this one blind, but for the sake of this space, I’ll give it a go. The simplest answer: It is an epic fantasy story about a man’s life. The trilogy is framed as an autobiography of the main character, Kvothe.
The span of the trilogy occurs over 3 days in the present time with each book covering one day of the Chronicler, recording the narrative Kvothe provides to him. The first book spans both one day, and childhood into young adulthood. The point of view shifts between first person when Kvothe is revealing his version of his past, and third person, to reveal the interactions between Kvothe and the Chronicler. The story moves slow and fast at the same time. There are unanswered questions and wonderfully complex details – but because it is one day, it also on the same hand feels as though not much has happened.
The main character is Kvothe. (There are pronunciation guides on the vast inter-webs for how to pronounce the name and places in the books. Some of them are tricky.) He is an unreliable narrator – as he is telling his story to the scribe. Just something to keep in mind. Kvothe is managing his brand before social media was even a reality.
From and Interview with Orion Books Rothfuss calls it “An epic-fantasy and also a satire of an epic-fantasy and it call this his Hollywood pitch for the book as The Princess Bride meets The Crow.
If anyone want to buddy read this with me, either the first or the second book please reach out via the facebook group or email
Below is a teaser:
My name is Kvothe.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.
You may have heard of me.
Check out the new cover art for the 10th Anniversary Edition. It has a much dark feel than the original over art.
I gave this book 5 stars. Read it. Read it now.